Induction Day  aka  I-Day

Induction Day (I-Day)      June 30, 2022

You will begin I-Day by dropping your child off at Alumni Hall.   Your child will be issued their gear and most of what they will need for Plebe Summer.   If necessary, they will also receive a regulation hair cut.

While your child is being indoctrinated into life at the Naval Academy, you can tour the Yard, hit the Mid Store (be sure to get your Navy Mom and Navy Dad shirts), ask questions at the booths staffed by the local businesses, Naval Academy Business Services, Alumni Association, Parents Clubs, etc.  If you’re really lucky, you might catch a glimpse of your plebe.








At the Induction Ceremony, your child will be administered the Oath of Office.   At that point, they will officially be a Midshipman at the Naval Academy.   After the ceremony, you wait for your plebe on Stribling Walk and get to spend around 30 minutes with them before they line up to march into Bancroft Hall.


After they march into Bancroft Hall and the doors slam shut, the next time you’ll be able to see your plebe will be 6 weeks later at Plebe Parents Weekend, Thanksgiving or Christmas..